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Third annual playwriting festival!

Hey! Guess what time it is?!

New Visions’ play writing festival is back!


This year’s theme is Facing Reality.

All of us have had to make hard choices in life. We’ve been faced with options and had to face difficult realities. Sometimes, it becomes difficult to even distinguish what is real and what’s not. All we are left with is facing our own realities. 

Here’s this year’s festival program!

September letters: 21st September - Played at Portheimka Park - 16h



War rages on in the background. In a war prison camp, a prisoner private is suffering the whipping post, a prisoner lieutenant strives to keep things in balance. A camp sergeant enjoys inflicting pain, the camp commander waits to get the fruits of his hard work. Suddenly a peace treaty between their armies breaks out and forces these four characters to deal with a change in the reality they called home till that very morning. 

Who’s who:  

Playwright: Guglielmo Menichetti

Director: Jazmín

Playing Prisoner Private:

Playing Camp Commander: Lilia Griselle Gonzalez

Playing Camp Sergeant:

Playing Prisoner Lieutenant: Antoanella Ungureanu

Living or Leaving: 21st September - Played at Portheimka Park 


Three family life pictures, each one 5 years apart from the other. Two male characters with no women, a father and son. First picture is taken right after granddad’s funeral. Then we skip in the middle of the father’s fight against a degenerative illness. Finally, at father’s deathbed.

Who’s who:

Playwright: Guglielmo Menichetti

Director: Jazmín

Playing Father: Milan Šebo

Playing Son:

Adele’s Dream: 18th + 19th October - Location to be announced 

1.       Adele-

Adele is in a constant state of daze: she is not sure if she is awake or dreaming. That makes her not commit to anything in terms of work and relationships. She is always forgetful and just does not pay attention. She has been dating the same guy for a long

time, but the relationship is stuck and has been in the same office job that does not interest her at all.

She is in her 30s (30-35). She is interested in art but is not committed enough to finish anything. She jumps from an abandoned painting, to writing, to trying to learn an instrument. Fame does not particularly interests, her but she really hates her 9-5 job.

When she gets pregnant, she first sees this as a chance to abandon her job. But then she imagines having a little girl, the things she would teach her, how she would accommodate her life to provide for her child, and the pregnancy begins to have

another meaning. When she loses the pregnancy, she feels a deep void. She just continues with the flow of things but she is lost. She is only interested in her avatar’s life, since the avatar is still pregnant. Adele keeps on pretending in real life to be pregnant, although she goes partying around. She keeps on with this, just because she wants to see her avatar’s baby. She likes her boyfriend Paul, he is OK but she would also be fine without him. He is fun and she enjoys being with him.


Playing Jan: Omar Dahy 


3.      Paul-

Paul is Adele’s boyfriend. He is around the same age as Jan but looks younger. He is good-looking. Paul also has some office job but takes it more seriously than Adele. He has aspirations of one day having his own business: a nice dancing bar. He is a DJ. He really enjoys partying. He likes Adele a lot although he also thinks that she is a bit

crazy. He likes her quirkiness. He likes having fun and does not want to miss out on anything. This makes him not being able to commit. On the one hand, he wants to find a woman and settle down, but on the other hand he does not want to be chained. He sees

Adele as a free spirit and that relaxes him. When Adele gets pregnant he is scared: he likes her but does not see her fit to be a

mother. None of them have a great job or their own place. Since Adele wants to keep it, he tries to be optimistic and imagine how to make it work. However, when she looses the pregnancy, a weight has been lifted from his shoulders.

For him, that was for the best.

He wants to continue with Adele as if nothing had happened.


Paul does not feel threatened at all by Jan. He sees him as Adele’s gay friend.


4.      Lara-


She is Adele’s sister. She is a bit older than Adele. She has a small child and visits

Adele to blow some steam. She is tired of the mummy friends. She has a part time job.

Her husband wants to have another child soon so that there is not such a big difference

between the siblings. She is not sure about what she wants.

She enjoys having a famous sister. She brags about her with her mummy friends, who

are horrified about Adele’s videos.

Sometimes she gets confused with Adele’s videos and reality. For instance, after Adele

loses the baby, she keeps on bringing clothes. Because of Adele’s videos she thinks

that she did not actually lose it.

She tries to make her sister happy and shows her videos of Instagram and tiktok to

cheer her up.


Playing Boss: Hossein Oroumiehchiha


6.     Nils-

He is Adele’s peer. He helps Adele to get the job done but he is always flirting with him.

After he sees her videos, he thinks he has a chance with her, but after some rejections

he gets resentful.

One black coffee, please. No sugar. : Dates and Location to be announced 


​In a poignant portrayal of the complexity of family ties and personal struggles, a younger daughter who left her hometown six years ago discovers her father's passing. Battling with her own mental health issues closely tied to her father's alcoholism, she gets the unexpected chance to engage in a final conversation with him. Now faced with the daunting task of deciding whether to embrace this chance for closure or let it fade into the past, she must confront her deepest emotions and make a pivotal choice.

Who’s who:

Playwright: Nel Burshakbayeva

Director: Jazmín

​Playing Kaia: Adri Méndez

​Playing Michelle: Nikki Severin

​Playing Father: 

Playing The Narrator: Guglielmo Menichetti

Reality Check: 8th + 9th November - Location to be announced



Faith has had doubts about her boyfriend Will for some time, but receiving an expensive ring from a charming new client has added fuel to the fire. As she sits alone in a fancy restaurant, humiliated and angry that Will is late again, she knows that she must have a difficult conversation about their future. One that Will seems desperate to avoid.


Will arrives carrying a bag and explains that his game of Dungeons and Dragons has overrun. Faith confronts him about his obsession with this fantasy world. With no job, and more dice in his pockets than money, Will is left dumbfounded by Faith. In desperation, he

reveals his lucky die, a D20 that she gave him when they first met, and kneels to propose.


She refuses, takes the D20 and leaves. The Waiter/Waitress approaches Will, who expects a bill he can’t pay, however, this waiter offers him a contract instead. The contract states that if Will can retrieve a magical ring and return it to them, not only will he cover the unpaid bill but Faith will be his again.

Who’s who:

Playwrights: Patrik Říha + Callum Roy

Director: Luc.i.e.

​Playing Will: Guglielmo Menichetti 

​Playing Faith: Nikki Severin

​Playing Fidgets: Charles Simos Zeind 

Meet the talent!


Nel Burshakbayeva

Nel is a passionate and highly sensitive storyteller who uses writing as a means to forge a deeper connection with her emotions and feelings. She has a strong affinity for drama, tragedy, and the meticulous psychoanalysis of life and its experiences. In addition to her writing, Nel is a trained theater actress specializing in the Meisner technique.


Omar Dahy

BSc of Engineering, Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering. Theater: Sessions and workshops and show by Drama Queens Directed by Martin Murin. Improv: Session and workshops by Jeff Kock, Improv Academy and Nick Ford. Dance: Bachata, Ghetto zouk, Egyptian dance.


Julia Kirszman

Runner, football play, hair model, screen writer, film producer, German translator… Born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, by the end of the 80s, hyperinflation taught her to always look for solutions and new paths. And so, she came to Prague in January 2020 to live new adventures.


Adri Méndez

A Costa Rican actress based in Prague with over half a decade of experience in film, TV, theater, commercials and more. She is also a film director & producer under the Méndez Co. Productioms group. Her goal is to bring characters to life that make the audience feel seen and represented, no matter the medium.


Hossein Oroumiehchiha

Hossein Oroumiehchiha, 33 yo Doctoral student in Theatre at CU. Spent a Meisner semester with Brian Caspe. Had acting experience in his home country, Iran, since 2011 and in Prague over the last two years. He is eager to explore new acting opportunities— his main passion.


Callum Roy

Formerly an English teacher in Prague, now based on the south coast of England, Callum’s introduction to playwriting came when he accidentally signed up for a surrealist playwriting class at university. Now he’s back in his old stomping grounds and more surreal than ever. A lover of gaming, martial arts and obscure facts - he’s excited to see his playwriting debut “Reality Check” come to life in the New Visions Playwriting Festival. 


Nikki Severin

Nikki is a Prague-based actress and voice actress who, despite never having been formally educated in acting, has starred in many short and feature films, theatre plays, music videos, and more. She is a returning actor at the playwriting festival and has a deep love for dragons, fantasy, and Dungeons & Dragons (this is very relevant 😄). Her biggest success is the lead voice part in the animated documentary “Rising Above,” which was nominated for an Oscar and made the BAFTA shortlist.


Charles Simos Zeind

Charles Simos Zeind is what people would call, a late bloomer in life. When he finally decided to engage with acting, he understood the significance of growing up in Athens; the random moments of absolute madness and drama had prepared him for this.

Fuelled by his burning passion, he is determined to plunge deeper into the void, to lands unknown, following the mantra “grow as I learn, learn as I grow”. Charles has already been part of several stage performances and film productions


Jazmin Cepeda

A director and former student at DAMU in Prague. With the support of her friend’s, she founded New Visions Theatre and hopes to help bring theatre to the community.


Lilia Griselle Gonzalez

Lilia graduated with a BA in Communications TV & Film production together with a year of Acting from the University of Puerto Rico which also gave her the chance to do exchange

programs at CSULA & NYU. After a 13 year creative gap, Lilia has made a strong comeback to the screen with multiple supportive roles with FAMU, PFS, PFI,

Divide Films and other independent productions; worked on stage with Prague Horror Theater, New Visions Theater Company, Dark Bark Drama & Bite Your Thumbs player. Lilia studies Meisner technique at Prague Acting Playhouse Studio which undoubtedly has been a great influence & impact on her life in every aspect.



Director of short plays on several scenes in Prague, e.g. Donkey Drop Theatre, Prague Horror Theater or Dark Bark Drama.


Guglielmo Menichetti

Guglielmo is a 37 yo Italian expat in Prague. After a year of Meisner technique training he got his first gigs as an actor in student movies (PFS). Since August '23 he has been cast in several theatre productions spanning from more dramatic roles (Master of Trapdoors) to comedic ones (Servant of Two Masters) and original plays (Dating an influencer, Baron Munchausen). Lately, he has also started to write short plays.


Patrik Říha

Game enthusiast, performer, slam poet, writer of interactive texts and occasional game designer based in Davle near Prague. The game spirit is apparent in his playwriting debut Reality Check which will be introduced as part of New Visions Theatre Playwriting festival 2024.


Milan Šebo

director Komárek, EinTopf, director: Marek Dobeš, Theatre Na Prádle, in production (2024)

John Brown, Ray Coonney: 1+1=3, director: Jakub Kudrna, DS Amartum, Praha, in production

(2024) A Waiter, Never say never, director: Petr Míka, Theatre Bez hranic, Prague (2024) A holocaust survivor, Sunday´s stage readings, MA theatre, Prague (2023)

Actor, Panic cabaret, Sasha Minajev, Theatre Kamen, Prague (2023)

Peter, Arnold Wesker: The Kitchen, Marianna Arzumanova theater, Prague (2020)

Charlie, Lenka Svobodova: Interview at 2.30 am, Prague (2018)

Waiter, Marianna Arzumanova: In the cafe, Marianna Arzumanova theater (2018)

Anselm, Moliere: The Miser, Koma theatre, Prague (2016)

Black monk, A.P. Cekhov: Black monk, White theatre, Bratislava (2016)

F. Kafka, F. Kafka: Letter to Milena, White theatre, Bratislava (2013)

Nills Krogstad, Henrik Ibsen: A Doll’s house, White theatre, Bratislava (2012)


Antoanella Ungureanu

Formally educated in Bucharest, she was conquered by other forms of self expression until a few Meisner classes in Prague opened a new appetite for performance, inhabiting characters and the unparalleled presence of acting. She is an actor based in Prague, experienced with short films, theatre plays and voice commercials.


Nikki Severin

Guglielmo Menichetti, 37 yo Italian expat in Prague. After a year of Meisner technique training I got my first gigs as an actor in student movies (PFS mostly). Since August '23 I have been cast in several theatre productions spanning from more dramatic roles (Master of Trapdoors) to comedic ones (Servant of Two Masters) and original plays (Dating an influencer, Baron Munchausen). Lately I also started to write short plays.


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© 2022 by Jazmin Cepeda. Created with

Translation by Andrija Lutovac

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